Abundance ~ Mindful Thinking - Blog Post 10

What is abundance? Abundance to me is having plenty. Plenty of love. Plenty of positive thoughts. Manifestations. Financial abundance. All worries are non- existent in my mind. The feeling of being free, and enjoying the moments, with all my needs and wants there.  Abundance is not a destination, but a journey. Abundance is the illusion my mind creates, it's the reality my heart desires. 

[Attracting Abundance] [ Mindful Thinking]. 

I live in abundance. Let me explain. I'm very particular with what I allow to enter into my mind. I know that positive thinking is real. When you think positive possibilities, you get a positive energy flow. You start to create a focus for yourself. Here's a simple equation I created. 

If (Think Positive Possibilities + Focus = A positive energy Flow) 

A positive energy Flow = Abundance 

Look at it like this. With abundance, imagine abundance, see yourself living with abundance, visualize abundance. What does abundance look like to you? How do you feel in that moment? 

This is you starting to create a positive energy flow for yourself.  By you just visualizing what your abundance looks and feels like, you're creating positive possibilities. Those positive possibilities turn into a focus. Your energy has no choice but to flow. Allow it flow~ 

If you start to connect yourself to the things you desire, your heart will too. This is you creating positive energy towards your manifestations. Your flow will become a constant abundance. Your energy will flow in that direction. It's when you start to limit yourself, is when your energy limits you. 

I can remember one day, maybe a few years ago. I was thinking how can I keep this flow going? At the time everything I was experiencing and feeling felt so good! I started to discover a connection with myself, and just allowed my energy to flow~ however it flowed.  AND with my mind focused on positive possibilities, the energy of abundance in all areas of my life continued. 

This was the start of me building a connection from within, acknowledging the power of my mind, and manifesting a positive energy flow~ my abundance.

Possibilities:: There's no box. No limits to what you can do, and who you are. The mind is a powerful source. If you think possibilities, then you create it. 

When you think possibilities, think chance, think risk, think hope, think likelihood, think solutions, think course of actions.  

Practice mindful thinking. Thoughts. Feel free to leave a comment.  

Thanks for sharing the love!

Until next time my Kings and Queens, Peace.

Also ~ Feel inspired to leave beautiful thoughts in the comments. It's valued and appreciated!


  1. Your thoughts remind me of this book I have called The Path of Light. It was recommended to me and hard to find. Paperbook copies from the 80's were going for up to $100! It is worth every penny and it is a life saver. It encourages and teaches how to meditate, how to utilize positive thinking and how we are light and limitless. Enjoying your blog.


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