Do You Believe In Magic~ Believe in You ~ Blog Post 23

I believe in Magic. Things can happen over night, in a blink of an eye.

I enjoy days like this, sitting on my patio, writing my blog in the moment, expressing how I feel. 

It feels so good out, the wind is blowing so gently, and the leaves slowly hit the ground with each wave of breeze. I can see the tall plants in my backyard swaying from side to side. It's as if the tall plants swaying are enjoying the fresh natural breeze, and dancing to the sweet majestic sound of Kokoroko, Abusey Junction playing on my speaker. 

I look up, close my eyes, and start to feel the rhythm of the beat, Chocolate Power, my labradoodle puppy is laying in the grass, enjoying this breeze too, the wind is moving soft and gentle through his long puppy dog hair, his locs on his head are straight, with a swivel of curls, the wind is catching the pupps hair, it looks like he has a moving mohawk. Smile. 

This moment, feels so sweet, so surreal, as if I'm living a dream. My heart feels so full of peaceful joy. I remember one day saying, I just want to live, do what makes me happy, and genuinely release the worries of the world. I remember focusing my mind on how I wanted my body to feel. I want to always feel free and pure, like the rejuvenation of a deep breath, a feeling of stillness and joy, exhilarating a natural light of peace. I thought of moments at home, with my family, enjoying each other's peace, enjoying each others company. Those thoughts became my reality, I'm living it! ~  But Now ~  I'm on to my next energy ~ 

This blog post is about me following my heart ~  Me reaching up, expanding my joy, grabbing the next level of life that I envision, grabbing for more ~ my energy is expanding, my journey continues ~ this is my flow ~ 

My heart is open to endless possibilities, I can do it all! Yesterday, my Bruh asked me if I believed in magic. I woke up at 3:30 ish this morning, with that thought on my mind. Yes! I believe in magic ~  in this sense. I believe that everything I truly manifest and want comes into fruition. I'm excited,  because this next chapter in my journey, my path is going to take me many places. 

I just keep dreaming and thinking of a Reality TV series on Netflix, featuring our family. At first, I was like that's wild, and way off, what will people around us think abut us actually being on tv?, then I said Fuck it, shit let's turn it around and think about the positive. It will actually be a pretty cool thing! I started thinking about the invite, family coming out to California enjoying and loving our home on the Hills ~ experiencing a new level of magic. Not sure why California came up exactly, but over the last few weeks my meditations, connections, and visuals have been taking me to this White House on the Hills in California. 

Last night I just kept visualizing my life, as a famous blogger, writing, running a Virtual Wellness Center, being a lovely wife, and mom, just livin, and enjoying the natural flow and energy of life. I pictured me walking down the long marble white hallway, with such ease and class. Walking so delicately in my white  long silk dress, down the hall to press the button by the window, with one click, the window opens the entire back of the house, connecting the inside to the patio area and pool. 

My initial feelings, when TV came up was ~  is this right? Us, me and my family on tv? Famous! But then I started to understand the purpose behind it. The universe takes me places. AND I just flow ~ I tell you nothing in my life is ever planned by me, I let the wisdom guide me,  and my trust lead me ~ my body just flows with it. Similar to this blog, I didn't plan this blog. Something just told me to start writing, so I did. Just like this next level of expansion, something just said California, share your story, it's time to embrace more. My Conscious mind is like yes girl, go be great, live it, its real, its okay to expand and discover different levels of you, its okay, accept, and allow your energy to take you there.
I want to live in the light, showing the world what it's like to just live, discover you, and enjoy the things that make you happy. It's a natural high, when you can just smile through the bullshit, and love the joy ~ choose you, choose the things that make you happy, find light from within, that's the power you have to create. Put energy toward what brings you genuine joy, don't be scared~ go for it, whatever it is, take the money out of it, think from you heart, allow abundance to blossom, and bloom. Who are you? 
You know how people say live out your dreams, I believe that's a call to live your higher self, a call for more. ~ more, there's always more levels of your existence. Expand your mind to more, life is a journey not a destination, allow your path to flow~ grow ~ and expand. 

I'm excited for this, I feel like so much will come out of us having a Reality Netflix series.  A power of wow, we're here, we are really living this dream~ I feel like my creative mind will innovate, expand, and create many more things in my reality. My path is full of endless possibilities ~ endless opportunities. I have the power to create magic. ~ Cheers to this next phase of magic. 

Happily Rooted ~ the famous Blogger, she has a famous Blog ~ Her and her family are on TV, they have a Reality Tv series on Netflix, they live in a beautiful house on the Hill, it's exquisite and full of so much light and love. Happily Rooted's energy is contagious, she's just livin, doing the things that bring her natural peace and happiness. She's humble as Fuck~ Happily Rooted, she's great and full of organic joy!  She's discovered the purpose of life. ~ Manifesting This. 

I believe the universe, and wisdom will guide and connect me to the energies that will cultivate this manifestation, and visualization. 

Until next time my Kings and Queens ~ accept who you're, know that life is a journey not a destination, you will go many places. Believe in your magic, your power to create! Peace ~ 


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