The Baby Daddy is Still "The Daddy" ~ Clear Your Heart - Blog Post 19

It's a blockage, a heaviness planted right on your chest. The energy is ready to be released. Emotions, feelings, thoughts, and expectations you may have of the father of your child. Let it go. For you.  AND Release. You have to stop being bitter in order to get better ~ Let go and allow life to flow. Hear me out, this is coming from the heart, a genuinely good space, from experience ~ a journey to peace and happiness. 

Baby daddies ~  [The Father of your child]. The bad energy, the built up pressure, the resistance, the tug, the pull, the expectations. Let it go. 

Change his name in your phone, [(insert Childs name) dad], then breathe. Time to let that shit go. Whatever it is, whatever built up energy you have against the father of your child, clear your heart, let it go. 

You see that weight you carry is something serious, it's heavy, it's a lot of energy, it clutters your heart, I get it. But think about how much better you will feel if you just stop, and let go ~ release the tug, release the pull, release the expectations. Clear your heart. For you. Exchange built up emotions, feelings, and expectations for LOVE. Make up in your mind that you let go, release, and allow the life situation to just be. You can breathe, you have the power to create the energy you desire. Don't force it, you'll feel a lot lighter. 

Create a Place of Peace. Allow this place in your heart to exist. Allow the opportunity for genuine love to exist. Let me repeat, allow love to exist.  Cordial Love ~ the same love you want your child to experience, show it to the father of your child in a cordial way, it's okay, embrace the natural energy of love. I promise you it still exists, but just now on another level. Change your perspective, change your mindset. 
The thoughts, the perspective a child forms about their father is rooted from you. Your built up energy, feelings, and emotions start to act as their shield, their build up. You have to release, in order to find that place of peace.  If you express love ~  your child expresses it too. 

If dad is around, allow that relationship to exist. Take you out of it, you have to stop being bitter in order to get better. Let whatever it is go, for you. Release that weight, release that pressure, release those expectations. Manifest the relationship you envision. 

Love is a powerful energy. Embrace the language of giving love. The energy you put out, is the energy you receive. Clear your heart, believe and trust the timing of your journey.  

Peace my Queens, enjoy the journey of inner peace ~ 

Does this change your perspective a bit? 

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