The Desire to Vibrate Higher ~ Blog Post 29

Something in me is telling me, pushing me, speaking to me through the vibrational butterfly's in my stomach. A feeling of peace, a feeling of you have arrived, unlock and Vibrate Higher has taken over my conscious mind, manifested from my subconscious self. "You can do it, Vibrate Higher". 

I've been asking my Angels and guides to connect me to the energy that's need to go higher, I'm flowing with the vibrational feeling of wisdom guiding me. The wisdom and energy guiding me to  just do it, produce, create things, experiences, and moments. 

My heart is full of love, the same love you experience at first sight. This vibrational shift is powerful. Tap in, Vibrate Higher. 

Honestly, it's as simple as closing your eyes, taking a moment to align and focus, eyes closed, breathe in your nose, and slowly start to let go of the breath in a exhale, and through the whole breathing process, think "Vibrate Higher". 

Pay attention to the things that start to manifest in your mind, when speaking or thinking the words "Vibrate Higher", you start to connect with your subconscious mind. Just like magic, you will start to attract, and vibrate energy to a higher Vibration, unlocking endless possibilities and focus to all things your heart desires. 

This post like all of my other posts, are live writings, me picking up my computer, and allowing my wisdom to produce and type the words. 

Thanks for reading. Until next time, Vibrate Higher, try the breathing process I mentioned before. 

Question, how do you feel, do you believe you have power connected with the subconscious mind? If so how? I like to get others opinion and knowledge on the Power of the Mind, and the thoughts of mindful thinking. 

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