Speak Power to the Subconscious Mind - Blog Post 27

Thoughts become reality. Consciousness is me describing in writing what I am currently experiencing. Subconscious is me thinking it, wanting it and building the type of reality I want to experience in my mind first, before being manifested into my conscious reality. 

What is it that you really want right now in life? Get specific ~ because we all want something rather its peace, change, things, experiences, go for what you want, that natural power to create something out of nothing. Think about this, Our subconscious mind has endless power ~ 

Endless Power, your subconscious mind is powerful. I have to write about this because I have to tell my story. That things like this do happen. I started a list not too long ago, on things I wanted to happen, things I wanted to manifest. Manifestation is the subconscious visuals, dreams, and mindful thoughts and FOCUS coming into reality,  if you think about something long enough it will start to become your reality. 

The mind is a power house ~ you start to experience things you think most of, the universe attracts it. Ever thought of someone, and then not too long after you think of them,  they pop up? Thats power, tap in. 

I always ask my Angels to connect me to the energy. Connect me to the energy needed to manifest all things desired. 

The Art of living is truly connecting to self. We have so many different layers that has pushed us away from our true self, we have internal power to create. Out of creation comes abundance. 

Consciousness. Think deeper than religion. Think inner self connection. 

Something magical happens inside when you start to develop a connection from within. You start to capture Inner Peace, you experience the full energy flow of joy, without any guided expectations, just the constant flow of endless possibilities. 

I opened my heart to the good feeling, so everything that is manifested comes from within, its rooted with love, so it can only be Love, when you connect with what comes from within,  abundance flows where there is love, endurance, and passion. 

When I say from within, I'm saying what ever your mind is telling you to create, you have power to create, CREATE it. AND keep creating more of it. Put power to the things you truly want. 

Who are you being called to be? Ask your guiding Angels for help. Ask them to attract the energy you need to flow on a high frequency, to vibrate higher, to connect with your higher self. 

Accept it, go with the Flow ~ that's your natural power to create. Use the resources that are currently in front of you, expand and accept who you're being called to be. 

Let go of all what ifs, expectations, and just think all possibilities. Focus 

"The moment I stopped adding expectations to my life, was the moment I allowed myself to live" - Happily Rooted 

Mindful Thought 

Tell your story, go higher ~ I was wondering, what if we just start thinking high of ourself. Instead of thinking about the gap in between what we have and what we want, what if we already picture ourselves having it. No other thought then it's mine, in the present tense. Its okay to want the things you want and to experience your Peace of joy! Live for you ~ 

Until next time Kings and Queens, enjoy your vibe, connect higher, and flow with your frequency, if you don't like the flow, vibrate higher to the next frequency. You see there's levels to this shit. Keep flowing, your power is powerful with endless possibilities. Connect to it, build that inner relationship with self. 

Peace. Words by Me, my Conscious Mind, Pic Art by Oska

If you would like to collaborate in any way ~ contact Happilyrooted.blog@gmail.com 


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