
Showing posts from January, 2021

Cardinals ~ at 1:11 - Blog Post 30

Right as I was just about to sit down, my husband said "wow, look at all of these Cardinals!". That caught my attention, because Cardinals for me signify a communication force as my grandmother, coming to let me know that I am either protected, or that soon I will be experiencing a shift, a positive change. As I followed my husbands voice meeting him at our backyard window, there it was, there the birds were, I counted, one, two, three, four, ......eleven, twelve vibrant red Cardinals, and two beautiful powdered Blue Jay birds spread out throughout my backyard. I was even so lucky to see one as close to the window,  and in a glance the beautiful, vibrant red Cardinal pounced away joining the others further out in the yard.  I take a moment, glance out of the window, allowing my eyes to connect with each energy, movement of the Cardinals, as they flew and flustered together. At some point of me gazing out into my yard, I stop and breathe, close my eyes, inhale, and exhale grat...

The Desire to Vibrate Higher ~ Blog Post 29

Something in me is telling me, pushing me, speaking to me through the vibrational butterfly's in my stomach. A feeling of peace, a feeling of you have arrived, unlock and Vibrate Higher has taken over my conscious mind, manifested from my subconscious self. "You can do it, Vibrate Higher".  I've been asking my Angels and guides to connect me to the energy that's need to go higher, I'm flowing with the vibrational feeling of wisdom guiding me. The wisdom and energy guiding me to  just do it, produce, create things, experiences, and moments.  My heart is full of love, the same love you experience at first sight. This vibrational shift is powerful. Tap in, Vibrate Higher.  Honestly, it's as simple as closing your eyes, taking a moment to align and focus, eyes closed, breathe in your nose, and slowly start to let go of the breath in a exhale, and through the whole breathing process, think "Vibrate Higher".  Pay attention to the things that start to m...

Speak Power to the Subconscious Mind - Blog Post 27

Thoughts become reality. Consciousness is me describing in writing what I am currently experiencing. Subconscious is me thinking it, wanting it and building the type of reality I want to experience in my mind first, before being manifested into my conscious reality.  What is it that you really want right now in life? Get specific ~ because we all want something rather its peace, change, things, experiences, go for what you want, that natural power to create something out of nothing. Think about this, Our subconscious mind has endless power ~  Endless Power , your subconscious mind is powerful. I have to write about this because I have to tell my story. That things like this do happen. I started a list not too long ago, on things I wanted to happen, things I wanted to manifest. Manifestation is the subconscious visuals, dreams, and mindful thoughts and FOCUS coming into reality,  if you think about something long enough it will start to become your reality.  The...

Wake Up and Live - Thats the Remedy - Blog Post 26

Today ~  Emotions in and out ~ Quarantine has me ready to just break free, however I'm taking this moment of Peace. So many parts of me want to just go, flow with the energy the social world is giving me.  Taking this time to just relax, write a book, write a manuscript for a film. This moment I accept the role of of creating,  Morning Energy  Woke up this morning with an energetic flow. Ready and excited about something: 7:00 AM Chocolate Power doesn't miss a beat. Like clock work his bark carries through the house. It's Saturday and my body is like no, 25 more minutes. Chocolate Power has no chill, and his bark goes from a WOOF, to a cry, to a WOOOOF.   I get up, grab my robe, stuff my feet into socks, and walk down stairs to greet the 9 month old puppy. "Good morning Chocolate Power, how did you sleep?", as if he understands me. The wag in his tail lets me know whatever I said he was happy to see me. He runs out of his crate and straight for the door. Ho...