off signaled love languages - Blog Post 16

This was me over the last few days~ fast energy and constant movement. My puppy somehow managed to get me to stop and listen.  His puppy love was what I like to call, off signaled love language. Be open to it~ off signaled love languages. It's the little messages around you, the ones that catch your attention, and make you pay attention. Indicators that our mind is expanding to the endless possibilities of the world around us. It's the indicators that connect the occurrence with your current life relevance. off signaled love language, are signsconnections made between your consciousness mind and the physical existence. This is a phrase I made up, based solely off my experience. 

off signaled love language: Puppy Love 

[Here's me sharing my experience ~ off signaled love language ~ Something that made me pay attention, it wasn't direct, however I made the connection]  - Here's the little messages I connected to. 

Tuesday's little Message: Risks, they exist, explore the possibilities. 

Part One.
Yum Yum my daughter opens the door, out runs Chocolate Power, our almost 6 month old Labradoodle. He was on a mission. The night before it had rained, and the water formed a nice little puddle out in the backyard. It was as if Chocolate Power was waiting for the perfect opportunity to go for it. As soon as the door opened, there he was, out of the door, quick. 

No matter the risk, Chocolate Power made his way to drink the fresh rain water puddle. He didn't care of the potential risk, he seen only opportunity, endless possibilities.

Part Two.
My husband had just finished bagging the chicken to store it in the freezer.  He walked outside, I was busy on my computer. I stop and notice how quiet Chocolate Power was, I look over, and the puppy is literally sucking the juice out of the Chicken package foam. He's alright~ I promise.  But in the moment I stopped and thought,  how long was he eying the chicken? Because the puppy seized the opportunity, he took the risk again, and got what he wanted. 

Wednesday's Message: Acknowledge the love around you.

This day flowed like this ~ the motion of my day was full of moving energy~ I took time for me in the morning, got my daughter off to a good start with school, and by the time I went downstairs someone had already took Chocolate Power out, so I was good with him [ so I thought] . I showed him NO love, I said 'Morning Chocolate Power, and kept my day flowing. I did hair, I made labels for my mothers products, packaged some orders, took time to eat. 

Yum Yum let Chocolate Power out of his crate, he runs to me. I keep trying to move him away, so I can walk by. I still had things to do. 

Chocolate Power said no, he flopped his puppy butt down, and rolled over to his back, he put his paw out, as if to say, show me some love. His puppy love language, said STOP, acknowledge me, love me. 

Todays Message: Enjoy the breeze, Feel the flow.

It's me and Chocolate Power on the patio, me writing this blog, and him laying down, his head slightly up, moving side to side, feeling the fresh morning breeze. I can tell he's enjoying the breeze, by the way the wind is flowing through his hair. I look over, the pup is in complete bliss. He looks as if he is taking a deep meaningful breath in, and out. He's enjoying the moment, enjoying the breeze. 
Over the last few days, my mind completely opened me up to the off signaled love language of dogs.. puppies..ANIMALS!  I believe my little pup is learning me, learning our family flow, our family energy. His dog spirit is somewhat intuitive, therapy. I appreciate my Chocolate Power being here. Thanks for his off signaled love language ~ puppy love. 


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