B a l a n c e ~ embrace the energy flow of balance - Blog Post 17

Balance, what is it? Where is it? Right now in this moment, I need to find balance. I need to balance my space. In a good way. Let me explain. 

Yesterday, I was in a constant movement, flowing, going. I woke up with the passion to create, and my day flowed like this. I created, I blended a few teas to add to our Online Herb Shop, made some labels, made lunch, checked on Yum Yum, my daughter, took Chocolate Power out, our puppy, went back to working. Some family stopped by, I took a few minutes with them, went  back into my flow, kept working, mom tried to tell me about products to launch, I'm busy typing, and trying to listen. My husband comes home, I see him for a bit, come down stairs, then I get back into my flow of working, I pause briefly to eat dinner, feed the puppy, then back upstairs. My day was a constant moving, fast energy flow. Yet an easy going flow~ It wasn't stressed, just a day of constant moving motion. 

The best way for me to explain my motion yesterday was this,  it was me being still in time, steady and focused on my computer, AND the world, the energy, and time around me was still moving. Picture that. 
Briefly before writing this post, The word balance came to mind. I had a moment, and thought. That's it, I need balance. 
Here's a simple equation I came up with just now, around balance. My mind is telling me this. 
Balance  = Me (still doing the things I enjoy + honoring the moving energy around me + giving time and focus to clearing my space) 

So I Meditated on the word Balance ~  that was my focus 

Balance ~ the word trickled through my mind. The body needs balance, enjoys a balanced flow. I take a deep, yet gentle inhale in through my nose, and let the soft air exhale from my open mouth. Balance, I repeat this breathing therapy.  Repeating the word Balance out loud, then taking a deep yet gentle breath in from my nose, then out, letting  the stagnant air and energy escape from my open mouth. Balance ~ Balance ~ Balance~ saying it out loud, letting the gentle sound of the word's vibrational sound, bring balance and positive energy. B a l a n c e~ 

I repeat this meditation. On my last breath out, I say B a l a n c e~ 

The Old Energy of yesterday ~Its out, released. Today, I will practice balance, by using my simple equation I created. Balance  = Me (still doing the things I enjoy + honoring the moving energy around me + giving time and focus to clearing my space).  My life has balance, today I will open up and allow balance to exist. Yesterday I was in my creative bubble, ignoring the things and people around me, felt myself chasing the day. Today I will slow down. Life is a journey, not a destination. Where was I trying to go yesterday? Today, I will allow things to happen and move with its flow.  I created this reality, and the energy I put out, it will be. I'll allow it flow~ 

This is how I will connect with my balance. 

I will first start by cleaning and clearing my space, refilling my energy. [Just now, by me expressing that thought relaxed my shoulders.]  I'll slow down, [breathe].  I am in control of my balance.  I enjoy this flow, this motion. I embrace the energy around me. I'll embrace the energy of Balance~

You create your reality, and you have the power to bring balance into your world. This is me expressing my power of brining balance into my reality. I acknowledge my fast moving energy, and discovered I need balance. Balance ~ it works! It's something the body needs. My body wants balance. 
After writing this, I'll probably stand up, stretch, breathe, take a shower and re-start my day with intentions of balance~ letting the balance flow.  

Peace, My Kings and Queens, until next post. Comment. Follow. Share 


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