Angel Numbers ~ Numeral Energy Communication - Blog Post 18

I look up, the clock reads 12:22 PM, I take a moment to breathe, "Thank you Angels". Wow, I'm connected to the belief of [ me seeing the numeral numbers in sequence, is a reminder in many ways that my Angels are guiding me through life, my Angels are communicating with me. Getting me to pay attention to something. ]

Yesterday when I woke up it was 5:55 AM, and the day flowed like this. I felt like the energy guided me, it was a really good day~ a great day. Heres's how my Angels Communicated and guided me ~ 

It's 5:55 AM, before I open eyes, I tell my mind good things. I say to myself, "

Today is a good day, Today is a great day, Today I expect great things to happen [ all day], Today is my day, Today I expect miracles,  Today my manifestations, trusts my visualization  and will turn to fruition, Today will be full of abundance, Today is an amazing day, Today I expect unexpected blessings [ all day]. Today is my Day~ I take a deep yet gentle breathe in through my nose, the air exits and vibrates off of my lips. Imagine blowing out an imaginary candle, but gentle like. That's how I allow the fresh new air to exit my body.  Everything that I tell my mind, and affirm, I trust and believe it's done. I let go and think Financial Abundance.  I jump out of bed, shake it out, shake my hands. My fingers start to tingle, I feel the air flow through the tips of my fingers, the old energy of yesterday is gone.  I declare  and believe again, Today is a good Day! 


It's now 3:33 PM and my friend speaks up and says, It's 3:33 if anyone cares! It was in perfect sync, my other friend and I said "three, three, three".  Then we caught 4:44, as we were hanging out and catching up, it's been a while since we all seen each other. The vibes, and the flow was a good vibe and good energy flow. The day just felt really good, and full of good energy. At random, I look at the clock and the time is now 5:55, my friends daughter joins are girls day, and on the way home she said " I like watching baking shows, it's ENDLESS Possibilities ". 

I felt that with my heart. Right there in that moment I felt my Angels communicating with me, they were guiding me [all day]. From me waking up at 5:55 AM ~ To my long time friends calling me ~ Us enjoying each others energy, conversing, and catching up on life, seeing 3:33, 4:44, and 5:55 PM at random ~ To me hearing my friends child say ~ENDLESS Possibilities. I feel so connected to the energy to the moments. I appreciate seeing the numeral indicators throughout my day, I appreciate my Angels communicating with me. 

Are numbers sticking out and catching your eye? Lately my numbers have been 12:22 , 11:11, 3:33, 4:44, and the most frequent 5:55, and eight, eight, eight. 

When I see 2:22, it's my sign of my anscectors guiding me and letting me know that everything is okay, always is, and that I am protected. When I see 11:11, the number  sneaks up and catches my attention, real gentle like, but it's so powerful. 11:11 reminds me that my Angels hear me, I that I have the power to manifest all the desires of my heart. I believe that the number 3:33 let's me know everything I have visualized is coming to fruition. 4:44 Im connected to my mind, my thoughts, and to continue the path, continue my journey flow~  When I see 888, I feel the high vibrations of abundance. 

This is how my Angels communicate with me through numeral energy. It works, the numbers catch my attention at random, they're spontaneous, and unexpected. I trust it~ I believe it~ I've learned to accept the numeral communication, ask my Angels for help when I need it, and thank them for communicating with with me, in a form that I can see and feel. 

Get this. Everything is already taking care of, if you just believe. Trust your energy, let it guide you. Release any worries. Breathe. 

The Guided Message I received yesterday from my Angels was [ Change is coming, continue flowing with the thought of ENDLESS Possibilities.]

Until next time my Queens and Kings, be inspired. Feel your connection to the world around you, embrace the energy, enjoy the flow. This is you developing a connection with your high-self. 

Until next time. Make a Comment, Share, Follow, Show some love! ~ 


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