Positive Thinking ~ Blog Post 8

The Power of positive thinking.

Thinking positive and delivering positive thoughts and energy is not easy. However, it can be done.  

I'm talking about thinking from the heart. I can think of a few situations where all I had to do was think and believe everything was okay [ Positive Thinking]. I'll take a deep breath in my nose, then out my mouth. Once I open my mouth and exhale, that thought of panic or worry is out. You see, I don't want to create in my mind a reality that's not for me. Nor do I want to carry any stress of panic or worry. So once I exhale, I trust and believe all is well and whatever happens was meant to be. I accept it. Everything is already taken care of, nothing happens by coincidence, everything is connected. Live in the moment, don't reflect on past thoughts. 

Each day I expect positive energy, positive things to happen, positive thoughts. I cancel out any worries, because when I start to worry, my mind starts to create that reality. 

Your heart is connected to what feels right. Embrace that feeling. That's Your Power. Embrace [Positive Thinking], accept it. Create the reality you desire. AND Create it  from the heart. Practice mindful thinking.  

This is the start of you connecting from within, and acknowledging your power to create. 

Try this: For the next 5 days, wake up, place your hand over your heart, and say "today is a good day, a great day". "Today I expect positive energy, all day". ~  Your mind will start to focus and believe it. 

Allow your Positive Energy to guide you~ Let it flow. 


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