Taking Meaningful Showers ~ Naked Body Love ~ Blog Post 15

 6AM came fast, the sun still down and outside still dark. I took a nice peaceful, and relaxing shower. The morning is quiet and still, I start the water, turning it to the hottest level. I hop in.

As I'm taking my morning shower, I turn to the left. My shadow is reflecting off of the shower wall. 

Wow. For the first time I acknowledged my shadow in the shower. Not sure if I ever payed attention, but this morning my shadow caught me creeping. 

Imagine me facing the shower head, turning to my left and seeing my reflection. My boobs caught my eyes first, my reflection gave me a signal, it signaled ~ 'love 

I take a moment to admire my boobs, first at my reflection, then physically looking down at them, I say hello, you two are beautiful. I could see the image print my shadow was reflecting from my side boob. The curve looked so feminine, in that second I acknowledge my shadow boob. I turn to position my body in different angles. Admiring the movements, the way my shadow spoke to me through each movement of my boob, I say 'eww look at you, you're loved.

I look down at the my shadow, reflecting me naked in the shower. The curve, that reflected from my butt was so delicate yet powerful. I admired my butt shadow, the way it curved. My confidence increased in that moment. I keep looking at my shadow, turning from side to side. The way it captured my behind, gave me all kinds of feminine energy. 

I've never really experienced that type of self love. I was naked in the shower admiring my shadow, my body reflection. It was as if my shadow stopped me and said, hey it's me your body, I exist. 

This was my silent reminder to take more time for my body, admire my curves, show love to the raw me, the bare me. Show love to myself, my body, solely.  

We take showers, wash and go. Sometimes our thoughts over-power the experience. Today, I was reminded that my body exists, it's more than a wash house, it's an actual substance. My body exists.

Thanks body, I need you. I admire you. You're so beautiful, from my shape, to my curves, from my ankles to the tip of my head, I acknowledge you, I embrace you, I love you. 

Do me a favor, next time your taking a shower, turn to the wall and see if you catch your shadow, your body reflection. AND if you do, show it some love, talk to your body, let your body know it's loved. This is self care. Meaningful, mindful moments. 


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