Morning Energy ~ Blog Post 6

I'm outside on the patio typing this blog. Outside has a nice sweet feel, the sun light is shining through the trees, it's so peaceful. I can close my eyes and hear the sweet sound of the birds chirping along with natures whistles. 

Chocolate Power our labradoodle puppy is socked. He was tumbling around doing the most this morning. His little bark woke the house up early.  Chocolate Powers puppy personality is very much an I don't care I'm doing it anyways type. He's 5 months, and yet so cute. He's been rolling around in the morning grass. 

My husbands is on the patio too,  trying to get me to join his exercise class. For now I'll enjoy the view and write. The morning is very still. 

[This is my morning blog.] 

Imagine a house full of energy, along with an easy motion flow. I wake up at 5:55 AM, with no alarm. I roll over, and tell my husband good morning... roll over again and take another mid morning snooze. Soon after, I hear Chocolate Powers bark. My husband get's up and takes him out. 

This is the start of our morning flow.

We tagged teamed it, my husband and I. He went out, woke up Yum Yum, then took Chocolate Power out. I was able to get up, take my time, and get dress. 

After I finished getting dress, I go to Yum Yum's room. We planned to go grab Chick-fil-A for breakfast. I told her to go brush her teeth, and meet me in my bathroom to do her hair. 

I forgot we took her hair out last night, she had braids in for a good two months.  She asked last night if she could do her hair for school today. I usually do it. So this morning, she styled her own hair in two puffs, and parted out a bang. It was cute! Her natural hair is popping. I asked her if she wanted to use any products to slick the sides, she said no, she grabbed the brush and her ponytail holders, and did her thing. For her bang, she spritz the small section with water. Yum Yum's curl bang is popping! She's close to being 9 years old, and this age is tripping me out. She's growing up for sure! I enjoy seeing her grow ~seeing her flow. 

After we finish getting dress, we go downstairs to meet my husband. We almost made it out the house, when this happened..

My husband put Chocolate Power in the crate, while doing so the puppy peed. He had just took Chocolate Power out to use the restroom. Long story short my husband stayed home with the puppy, Yum Yum and I went out to grab breakfast. Our morning kept its flow. 

On the ride to Chick-fil-A, Yum Yum and I had an enjoyable conversation. We ended up at Publix instead of Chick-fil-A to grab breakfast. We grab our mask and go into Publix [I just bought her a new mask, it's pink and black with polka dots. So cute]. 

We stop by the bakery first, she didn't see anything she wanted, so we float over to produce where she found a yogurt parfait, and two plums. On the way out we grabbed a sandwich from the Deli for her lunch. I usually plan out the weeks meals, but this week I didn't.

We got home, My husband was on the patio, and Chocolate Power was calm. We bring the groceries in, Yum Yum packs her lunch and snack, I go upstairs and get her computer ready for school, call Yum Yum upstairs, she takes her breakfast out, and eats it during her morning school book reading. 

This is how our morning flowed. It was chill, easy going, yet full of some much moving energy. I enjoy mornings like this, the slow down, the easy flow. 

As I finish writing this post, Chocolate Powers morning energy is over, he's now laying down at my feet sleep. I bet the sweet sounds of nature, and the suns beam, along with the stillness and calmness of my energy together are responsible for his now chill + calmness. The pupp is enjoying his morning nap outside. 

Peace my Queens and Kings, until next time [ take it easy, enjoy the flow]. 


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