My Black Horse with Wings Dream - Blog Post 13

I was with Oprah standing on the sidewalk looking up at Ellen, I can't recall the conversation, However I do recall what happened next. I looked up and pointed right away. I seen two beautiful black horses with wings. I told Oprah look, do you see that? We both looked in amazement. Both horses were attempting to fly away off into the sky, but the pull and tug from the Officers rope was stopping them from flying. 

Both horses had beautiful shiny black coats, and the wings were midnight black with feathers that looked so soft. Eventually the horses got away from the crowd that formed and the officers that were trying to rope them down. 

It was so magical seeing the black horse with wings  drift off and fly so delicately into the sky. I turn to Oprah and we walk our way down the sidewalk where we were standing and watching the two black horses with wings drift through the fog and into the sky. 
That was the end of my Dream last night.

 I woke up and told my husband, and while doing so a thought came along to look up the meaning. Now I told you before in my earlier blog post on Dreams, that I wake up and remember my dreams from the night before scene by scene, motion by motion. This was my first time having a dream about the beautiful black horses with wings. 

I discovered  this symbolic meaning while searching the internet. 

Right away Google finished my search sentence. I typed in 'black horse.... and Google finished 'black horse with wings in dreams.  The symbolic meaning of the me seeing the black horse with wings in my dream was this, [ The owner will acquire abundant wealth and tremendous happiness] I also related to the explanation that me seeing the black horse represents me as a healer. I felt both explanations. 

Being that I was with Oprah in my dream and we both seen the two black horses with beautiful wings, I accept the abundance and wealth as the symbolic meaning. Being that I keep thinking of myself as a healer, but now walking in my power, I also felt the symbolic meaning of seeing the black horse as me walking into my healing power. Ironically, right before I had that dream and closed my eyes, I received an email from a black woman needing herbs for a painful night she was experiencing. 

Leave a Comment if you have experienced having a dream with a black horse with wings. Share your experience in the comments. It would be nice to share your experience with others, and good to hear how you symbolized it. 


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