Chakra Alignment Meditation ~ Inner Connectivity - Blog Post 14

[How I Meditate and Align My Chakras] 

I close my eyes, take a deep yet gentle breath in through my nose. I hold it in for a few seconds. Then I release it out through my nose. 

I repeat again, breathing in through my nose, and back out through my nose. 

My mind starts to focus.   

This happens throughout my day. Sometimes I meditate in the shower. Sometimes in a quiet place in my room. I sometimes play Alpha Waves, a binaural beat that raises focus and vibrations. 

While my mind is still, and my focus is on my breathing, I start to manifest all the desires of my heart. Things I desire right now in this moment. Whether personal or physical, it's all things my heart desires. 

I take a moment to connect myself to those thoughts. 
Then slowly start to clear my mind. I bring my focus back to my breathing. 

My breathing starts to become more natural. My mind is focused, I start to connect deeper. 

I breathe in, and as I'm breathing in I place my two hands together with my thumbs facing towards my face, in prayer position.


I take a deep breathe out, my eyes still close, and my two hands still connected, both thumbs placed in the middle of my forehead, relaxed on my third-eye, I start to focus on that light, it appears bright in between my two eyes. 

My mind starts to focus on that light. I'm breathing in with my mouth closed, and allowing the air to exhale gently out of my nose. I'm now activating my third-eye. When my mind starts to wonder, and lose focus of my breathing, I recite two words in my mind "Financial - Abundance", "Financial - Abundance ", over and over util my mind goes back to being still.

Once I'm focused and connected I then start to align myself. I start to allow my praying hands to make a straight line from my third eye, straight down.

I allow  my hands to float down my body, stopping at each solar point.  

My thumbs stop in the middle of my chest, I start to make a connection with my heart, I take a deep, yet gentle breath in through my nose. While I take that deep breath in, and my eyes still closed, I allow my body to relax deeper. 

In that moment of me connecting with my heart, it's as if I can feel every feeling my heart has. It's a feel good feeling. I take another deep breath in my nose, and my hands continue making that straight line down. 

My two hands slowly release when I reach my belly button.
Finger by finger. My two thumbs, and both of my pointer fingers connect at the release, forming a pyramid. 

I repeat my alignment as many times, 
When my thoughts and mind say enough and I awake from my mediation.

I take one more inhale, and exhale. Whatever thoughts, or emotions manifested within my moment of meditation I leave it there. Trusting all things are done or in the works.

Are  you interested in learning how to meditate. Comment with your thoughts, share your energy.  


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